L&S3.2 1.5.13

Safeguarding at Bethel 

Here at Bethel, we are committed to creating and maintaining a safe and nurturing environment for all individuals, particularly children, young people, and vulnerable adults who are involved in our church community. We take our responsibility for safeguarding seriously and strive to ensure that everyone who comes into contact with our church feels safe, valued, and protected.

You can contact our safeguarding team with any questions or concerns at safeguarding@bethelcoventry.org.uk, please have a look at our Safeguarding Statement which details our commitment to promoting the welfare of everyone who comes into contact with our church community.

Click HERE to view the Statement.

Bethel's Safeguarding Team comprises; Jane Rubacki, Ian Grindell, Jenny Owen and Sarah Palmer.

If you are worried about the immediate safety of someone and require urgent assistance please contact the Police. Here are a list of useful contact numbers for organisations who can offer specialist help at other times;

NSPCC - 0800 1111
ThirtyOne:Eight (Safeguarding Helpline) - 0303 0031111
Samaritans - 116123
MASH (Coventry City Council Safeguarding Help) -  024 7678 8555
Coventry City Council Emergency Duty Team (Out of hours help for at risk children) - 024 7683 2222 
Coventry Haven (Women's aid) - 0800 1114998
Men's Aid - 0333 5670556
Age UK - 024 7623 1999

More information can be found at https://www.west-midlands.police.uk/domestic-abuse/supporting-agencies/coventry