Thank you for your generous support. We could not fulfil the vision God has given us without your generous offerings of money, time and talents.
We encourage all of our regular attenders to contribute to the vision of the church and be involved where they feel God has called them to. You can give in lots of ways, via standing order, one off payment, by cash at church or online.
If you wish to make a transfer or set up a standing order our bank details are here, if it is for a specific ministry please use the ministry name in the reference.
General Fund - Sort Code; 30-92-33, Account No.01434174
Buildings Fund - Sort Code. 30-92-33, Account No. 71902360
**If your gift is for something specific please be sure to mark it as such, for example if it is for the current giving towards an accessible toilet facility please mark your gift 'W/C'
If you are a UK tax payer did you know your donation can go 25% further thanks to the Gift Aid scheme. Please fill in and return a Gift Aid Declaration Form and return to or drop into church. Download the form here.
To give online just fill in the secure form below;