Outside3 1.5.21

In Person 

We believe every day is equally important to our relationship with God, but on Sunday we are able to meet together as one family to celebrate the week we have just had and prepare our hearts for the week ahead, aligning with God’s vision for our lives. Everyone is welcome and we love having visitors!
We meet on Sundays at 10:30am in our building as well as livestream our services Online. We have a time of worship at the start, follow that up with a preach, then finish with worship as well. There is also space for notices and testimony and some Sundays we take communion together. Once a month we take over the Sunday service and have a family service, geared towards activities for the whole family to enjoy.

We have several Junior Church groups for kids and youth to take part in on Sundays during the service that are more tailored for them than the sermon.

Our older youth (ages 15 and 16 up), are encouraged to sit in the main church service or to get involved with some of the younger Junior Church groups. Many of them do both, happily serving in the younger age groups some weeks and still connecting with what's going on in the main church as well the rest of the time.